Please pardon me, but tonight's post will be short and sweet, first because I am tired from a long day and have laundry to put away, and second because I don't have much to say about Moea Perfume Oil. No, no, nothing's the matter with this sweet little oil. In fact, quite the contrary. Moea, which contains notes of Tahaa vanilla, tiare flower, and coco monoi (essentially, coconut oil infused with tiare flowers), is a lovely tropical treat. It's not particularly original in terms of scent. The vanilla dominates most of the experience, although if you lean in close, you can smell a hint of the flowers. The lasting power on this is superb. Bob and I took a walk this afternoon in the muggy post-thunderstorm heat, and I could still smell Moea, although it had dried to a softer floral vanilla. I personally like the undertone of the coconut oil. It makes me think of the beach, as well as long for the days when it was safe (and possible) to lay by the pool all day. Moea is a little vacation on the wrist.
*photo from